Our Mission:
We are dedicated to helping people develop themselves and enrich their relationships.
Our Practice:
We offer couples counseling, family counseling, parenting skills, and individual counseling to children, adolescents, and adults. Christian counseling principles are utilized upon request.
Our Philosophy:
We believe ultimately all healing comes from God; whether it is emotional, physical, psychological, relational, or spiritual. At Rising Hope Family Counseling Center, we are merely instruments in God’s hand to help bring about healing and positive change in people’s lives. We believe all people were created in God’s image and have intrinsic worth and value. Each person deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. We believe each of us were given gifts and talents to be used to serve others. At Rising Hope, we will journey with you and provide encouragement, guidance, and support to help you bring about more fulfilling relationships and positive changes in your life.